(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
single image handheld 45mm @ f8 processed in lightroom.
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This is the perfect tree for this type of shot, mostly bare, but with a few leaves still clinging on. The starkness of the tree fits perfectly with the stormy and foreboding sky. The highlight luminosity in the clouds and in the grass creates a very dramatic effect. This image does a good job of using the overall tonal range, while still having a dark look. My only nitpick is that the branches against the sky in the LRC are a minor distraction. I wish you had stepped further to the left and excluded them from the image.
Thank you for the feedback. Yes the branches. I took about 10 shots of this scene and that was the best I could do to remove the right branches. And that’s why I made the lrc so dark. I will try and clone them out and see what happens.
A bit late, but wanted drop in and comment on what a great image this is - especially in your b&w application to the scene - perfectly appropriate.
You didn’t mention much about your processing or objective here, but I’m guessing you processed for the effects? The results speak for themselves so I really don’t care what this looked like originally.
I think the light in the grasses in the foreground are especially intriguing; and that the spotlight in the grass actually leads and compliments the isolation of the lone tree. The sky/clouds add drama and all together I think this works beautifully.
The added (or natural?) vignette is strong, but I think quite appropriate for this image. Well done!
My goals for processing are always to create and interesting image with character and depth. I darkened the edges to lead the viewer to the parts of the image that are interesting to me.
I might be in a phase where this looks good to me or it may be my style. I have no idea what I’m doing really, but I’m trying to get better at black and white. I’ve committed to shooting nothing else for the foreseeable future.