Black Bellied Plover

An older file from 2012. These birds move around a good bit, but what I like about them is that they regularly stop to have a look around, making it easy to get decent images. And it helps if they offer a decent pose. It’s a little on the noisy side, maybe due to early light? Full frame image. Edit: Full width cropped from top.

E-5 Zuiko 300 F2.8 +EC-20 (1200 equiv), tripod and Wimberley, ISO 400 1/800 f6.3, 0.0EV

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Really nice Bill, excellent lighting and angle, you can tell the bird is hunting, the raised foot adds as well.

Wonderful detail and I love the low angled light on the sand, Bill. The noise isn’t obvious or objectionable.

I like the pose you captured Bill and I like the pattern of the sand. An intriguing image.

A really nice image, Bill. I love the lighting, and the low angle in which you captured him. Wonderful details, and the noise isn’t that noticeable to me.

Lovely shot of this plover, you show the concentrated way they search for food in a nice manner. Also love the color palet of the image ! Cheers, Hans

The light on both the plumage and the sand is wonderful and they mirror each other quite well. Nice depth of field and pose.

Everything about this image is “yummy”. The shallow DOF, the textures, concentration of the subject, lighting, low angle. Super job.