Nice pose and the bird is stunning, Allen. I like the foam, bu wish the stuff in the foreground were in focus. However, if f/13 wasn’t enough, you were unlikely to get it no matter what you did unless you managed to get close enough to use a wider lens.
Allan, this is a really nice shot of the plover. I’d like to see most/all of the foam in sharp forcus too.
I took a nearly identical shot of a willet in the San Diego foam this am - I was at 1/4000 and an iso of 1250, about normal for me. I always am set for flying birds, hoping one takes off or comes in. I’ll post that shot later so you can see the difference…
In the meantime, nice catch !
Excellent shot of the Plover. Although I agree would be nice to have some of the foam in focus at least that is adjacent to the bird, I still like this image quite a bit. The detail In the Plover is exquisite.