The dark winter skies have moved into the Pacific Northwest at least until next mid July. Even with a fill flash, one is shooting high ISO images. This was taken yesterday evening out my bedroom window at iso-8000 and fill flash at +3. I like the tan plumage mirroring the bark of the stick.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: iso-8000, 400+1.4 X, F5.6, 1000th, tripod, A7r4, about 25% of full frame (15 megapixels out of 61 megapixels)
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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David, I just love face on shots of birds. This is a very nice shot, with great details and colors. I love the perch, and that nice smooth background really helps both the bird and the perch to stand out. Lighting looks natural. Very nice.
Superb image considering the light. Looks very natural to me. The crop holds up well also. I too love the chest plumage that matches the perch and what a perch it is. I agree with Dan to sharpen the face just a tad more. Great head turn and a beautiful background!
Thanks for the comment on the sharpening. On closer examination, the white plumage was a little hot in a few places. I also thought I saw some blue cast in the white plumage. So I did some selective cloning of localized white plumage to bring out the detail. And I use the desaturation brush to get rid of the blue cast. I also decreased the saturation in the green background. The flash probably should have been around +2 instead of +3. The TIF image looks considerably better and I think a lot of the technical issues with this image got lost in the JPEG conversion.
Repost looks good. The chickadees cap is interesting in that it came out gray with the lighting. However, it looks good and you could push the blacks down a touch if necessary. Well done…Jim
Very nice look at the chickadee. I like the repost with the green background not as saturated. Detail in the bird looks good. The lichen on the perch gives the image a nice balance.