Black capped Chickadee

This one was fairly close to the camera although it is still a large crop. After an absence of several months, I reset up my feeders to attract more birds. So far it is working but a majority of what I am seeing are Black Capped Chickadees and Song Sparrows. It is always nice when something else shows up but they are not always as cooperative as I would like.


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ISO 1250, 400 mm +1.4 X, F7 .1, 2000th, around 50% of full frame

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Gorgeous!! Great detail and color, a lovely perch and pose, and a wonderful BG! I’ll trade you a whole bunch of Acorn Woodpeckers for a couple of your Chickadees.

Excellent pose and you nailed the lighting on this one, David.

Hi David
The Black capped Chickadee is one of my favorite winter back yard birds. You did a great job on the detail, coloring and lighting. Nice work.