What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500, 200-400mm f4 (1/500 sec at f5.6, ISO 720, 400mm) Rubber stamp tool for stick removal, DeNoise AI, Shadows & Highlights, Brightness & Contrast. A stick from up North near one of mt feeders made for an interewsting perch for this chickadee…Jim
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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It is a good perch with lots of character and also a lovely bg. Chickadee picked a nice landing spot. I think the lighting comes from top left or at least left and if so nice job on lightening up this side of bird.
The chickadee does look a bit centered and a slight crop from left might be a thought. I like the curious look back pose.
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Enjoyable pose, perch, and environment. I’m okay with the composition with respect to David Leroy’s comments on centering. If I were going to do anything different, I would consider clowning out the small branch that goes to the back of the tail. Nice exposure and detail on the plumage. The light is very pleasing.
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Jim, I love this. The bird is a beauty and wonderful details. The perch has character. Very nicely done.
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This is a very pleasant scene with the nice background and well lit bird and perch.
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Very nice! – all said above. Another example of lovely color coordination of the bird and perch. For me, the structure of the perch suggests a bit of crop from the top and then removing the branch cutting across the top right. Something, probably in processing, has given a strange appearance to the OOF BG branches. If so, and if you have it on a layer, it could be masked out, or otherwise I’d consider a slight blurring of them.
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Beautiful detail in the bird and foreground vegetation, Jim.I really like the composition with the framing provided by the branches.
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