Bloodroot Flower

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any and all.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any and all.

Any pertinent technical details: Taken with Canon SX60, 1/250, F5.6, ISO 100

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Beautiful job on the flower and I like the composition, Patricia. The two lighter leaf edges coming into the left side of the frame are a bit distracting.

Hi Patricia
I am thinking maybe you might want to try a closer crop on that left side and also brushing in some darkness in the upper right so that leaf edge there recedes a bit. I like the detail on this and the way that one leaf cradles the flower.

Patricia: I’m pretty much in concurrence with the others on wanting the leaf on the left edge to go away but that’s still a pretty trivial point. Nice find and a fine capture.>=))>

I can see why you left the leaf in, it balances the one at the bottom right and mimics the top right.
If this is a crop I would show more of it, if not I would just burn it (but leave the tip to match the upper