Red Hibiscus

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any and all

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any and all

Any pertinent technical details: Taken with Canon SX50, F4, 1/640, ISO 400, -0.3

My old eyes are not sure whether the petals are in sharp enough focus to carry the image. What do you think.

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Hi Patricia,

I think that your composition is very nice and colorful. The darks are handled very well and the off center position of the subject works well. Well done…Jim

I think the crispness in the petals is adequate, Patricia. What I’m attracted to in this image is more the larger scale contours in the petals which are really cool to me. You might look at emphasizing those a bit more and just possibly jogging up the saturation in the outer parts of the petals (I’m not sure about that,one).

The center is just not sharp enough for me in the large view…Pretty intense color and I like the petals.

Patricia: I really like the colors in this one and your rendering of the reds. The flow of the petals and the placement of the center in the frame is top notch. Most excellent.>=))>

Just beautiful, all in focus as far as my old eyes can tell!

Based on the larger image, the focus is perfect and the color rendering is excellent. Oddly enough, the small image is totally blurred on my monitor?