
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was in Costa Rica in February and we visited a house where the owner was reporting some interesting birds (he worked at the lodge we were staying at) and I couldn’t resist taking a few shots of these flowers. I deliberately cut off the top of this one when I photographed it because I thought it made an interesting composition.

Specific Feedback

Does this comp work for anyone besides me?

Technical Details

Sony A1, FE 200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 370 mm, monopod, f/9, 1/500, iso 1000. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped from a horizontal original. Very nearly full height.

1 Like

Works just fine for me too, Dennis. I like it as presented here. As a different comp it has the look and feel of a bit of fluid pouring out of the flower IMO… :cowboy_hat_face:

@Dennis_Plank the Christmas colors of this hibiscus flower really pop! Wonderful detail, center stalk, leaves, DOF, BG, but I’m not sure about the flower. It just looks kind of unfinished to me.

Dennis, the sharp detail of the flower against the greens is striking. As to the composition, I don’t know what to say. It feels like I am being teased, for lack of a better word. A little less of the flower or a bit more might settle my confusion. It is hard to say. It does capture me and makes me wonder why it was cropped like this. :upside_down_face:

Dennis: We have a bunch of hibiscus blooming in our garden so I always like a different take. IMO having the center parts sharp is critically important and this is spot on. I do like the comp and find it a refreshing look. Well conceived and superbly captured. >=))>

Dennis, I have always found the “long tongue” of the hibiscus flowers attractive. Your comp. emphasizes that sense well here. It also shows of the details in the stamen and pistils very well.

I like that you cropped the flower. As @Barbara_Djordjevic mentioned, it’s a bit of a tease, but one I really like. My only quibble is that I’m inclined to wish for a tiny bit more flower at the top of the image so the dark center doesn’t feel like it’s crowded against the top. The sharp areas look great and I really like the OOF BG. Gorgeous!