Description: Hoping for a near feeder blue jay photo, this jay sat near the feeder where my oak branch was taped to the metal pole. Not suitable for an entire shot, I cropped for a portrait after controlling the digital noise from the high ISO. The morning was overcast with light snow and was too dark for action photography. I also tweaked up the microcontrast for midtones using David Kingham’s recipe in photoshop. I provided the link in the pertinent details section below. Thanks for looking…Jim
Specific Feedback Requested:
Pertinent technical details or techniques: D850 600mm f4 (1/800 sec at f8.0, ISO 5000) Topaz DeNoise, cropped off 70% to 8x10, levels, micro-contrast adjustment (go to: ).
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites) No
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