The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
A different shot of the pond ice from yesterday. This one wouldn’t respond to trying to get rid of the sky reflections using my limited software knowledge, so I just played with it and I liked this result. Looks like we have a good freeze going this morning, so I’ll put the polarizer on and go out in a few minutes.
Specific Feedback
Anything you’d care to mention. I kind of like the saturated colors, but they might be a bit much for some tastes.
Technical Details
Sony A7Riv, FE 70-200 f/4 macro @ 200mm, tripod, f/5, 1/80, iso 1000, single image. When I was looking at the original image, there was one squarish area rotated about 45 degrees that had an interesting pattern of facets to me, so I rotated and cropped to that (3716x2810 pixels) and the rest was just playing around-I don’t have a real clue what steps I took.
I suppose it’s a matter of taste but I like this less than the previous one. I find it too gaudy, too showy. I suppose that this sort of thing varies with the viewers personality. The light area at the center bottom area is a bit of an issue for me.
I like the patterns but the vivid blues dominate the scene. I could see some benefit to cropping in to eliminate some distracting elements in the corners. You have quite the beautiful pond.
Thanks, Alfredo. I’ve pretty much given up on this image. The haze from sky reflection on the ice was just too much. Playing around ended up with that intense blue. I tried other approaches a day or two ago, but thus far I haven’t found anything I really like. Sometimes, it’s just not there.
I wouldn’t give up on this just. I think it’s the intense saturation that is makingbthis look a little bit weird so maybe making this a low contrast and low saturation image might work better. I have say that my initial reaction was pretty positive but the more I looked at it the more it became too saturated. I think you have something here so dont give up yet.
Oh, don’t give up! I think this on is more visually interesting than your previous one. It’s more edgy. The low-contrast, blue tone is a bit much, though. I took a crack at editing it to bring out more depth in the ice facets and adjust the colors:
Increase exposure with the parametric curve (highlights +3, lights +26, darks +56) and the other curve (just raised the midtones a bit).
Adjust blue with color mixer: sat -19, hue -10, lum +11
Adjust yellow, +64 luminosity
Dodge (lights 3 per TK panel) & burn (darks 1)
Midtone curve for contrast increase
Oh My! Looking at the main gallery page, I was already trying to figure out which one I loved better, this one or your previous post. Well, it’s close as hey are both fantastic, but I just LOVE this one!
I get it, I think many of us feel that way sometimes about our own work… Thanksfully you shared this because I think this is awesome! And saturation be d*mned… It’s an abstract after all and there are no rules! What I love about this is the sharp clarity and texture primarily revealed with the glowing gold beneath the surface. And getting back to the blues - you can’t have a better color combo with the golds.
I was thinking similar as Alfredo in terms of shaving some around the edges, but again with an abstract, who cares?
And if you are done with it, well then, the finished presentation is stunning!