Blue snow

Photographed from the top of the fell in midwinter

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Beautiful work! I love wind blown snow sculptures. The blue is pretty strong here but it works.

Thanks Kevin! I have a slightly paler version on the wall, but this harsher one is definitely more functional

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Hi Jorma, beautiful image with nice side light. The vague sense of scale works nicely. Love the lines and patterns. I do agree the blue is a bit strong but at the same time it works for this image.

Hi Jorma – This is a fun abstract subject, mostly because I have no sense of the scale for this scene. It is a tiny snow formation or a massive cornice? I am enjoying thinking about the possibilities.

I agree with the other comments about the blue. It feels quite strong but then it also helps amplify the mood of the scene. I can see going with less saturation but also think the strong color works here, too. I also like the mixed lighting since it adds dimensionality. The only thing I have feedback on is the composition in the upper left corner. The curve in the upper left corner on the left edge feels pretty tight. I think a little breathing room near that curve would remove some uncomfortable visual tension I am feeling at that point. Otherwise, I think everything comes together well!

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Thanks Sarah! Yes, that upper left corner is a problem because there is a huge mess outside that should be cleaned up a lot in photoshop. This is a vertical crop from a horizontal image, which is also ok, but more effective as a vertical crop. This is a compromise because it is difficult to cut out from the left as well. I have cutted this many times :slight_smile:

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