Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction
Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.
Questions to guide your feedback
What I am trying for with this image is mood. Mood begets feeling and that is what I hope for – that this photograph elicits feelings of one sort or another.
Other Information
Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.
Image Description
Late last September I went for a short five-day canoe trip with a friend in Algonquin Park (about three hours north of Toronto). The weather was exceptional for that time of year – sunny and clear, low 20’s C. (low 70’s F.) during the day, dropping down to 5 or 6 C. (low 40’s F.) with clear skies at night. If you are a lover of morning fog as I am, these are the perfect conditions. That being said, I wasn’t prepared for just how thick the fog was. Each morning I’d emerge from my tent to find I literally couldn’t see ten feet beyond my nose. Indeed, as in this picture, I usually had to wait close to two hours from the time I rolled out of my sleeping bag just before sunrise until enough fog was burned off so that I could see anything to take a picture of. Just sitting in that white stillness was worth getting up for and then, on top of that was the sense of surprise I felt as the fog lifted, and the world slowly revealed itself.
The two primary things I needed to attend to in this picture in post were exposure and colour. I wanted to retain overall, an almost claustrophobic feel while at the same time a sense of pending light and liberation. I also knew I needed to create a hint of detail and interest in the lower part of the frame so that it was more than just a flat white border. In terms of working with colour, I wanted to set a bluish backdrop of fog against its compliment – golden orange – in the forest highlights. Orange and blue are very pleasing together and I hope, helps to create a mood of awe and, also perhaps, quiet optimism.