Brewer's Blackbird

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I like the bird’s eye and iridescence and I like the contrast between the bird and its environment.

Specific Feedback

Any thoughts appreciated.

Technical Details

Canon R5; 100-500 with 1.4 TC at 700 mm; 1/2000 at f10, +1/3 EV, ISO 2000

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

This is really sweet, Allen. I love the pose and the setting both, and you managed to catch that hint of purple on the head beautifully. Ont of the out of focus grass blades does tend to pull my eye quite a bit:

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Very nice! I love the perch on that fragile-looking stalk, and the detail in the grasses against the softer more distant ones – a nice 3D sort of look. Very nice detail on the bird – these iridescent ones are frustrating but it looks good here. Could be good to prune that grass stalk that @Dennis_Plank pointed out.

Hi Allen, love the highly contrasting bird in those surroundings. Also love seeing the starkly yellow eye so well. Nice iridescence as mentioned above.

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Great framing and pent-up energy in this one. I love the stare and the slight iridescence in the feathers. Good angle, too. I like the lower position very much. The grass could go easily. Very natural looking and excellent sharpness.

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Hi Allen
Kudos to you, I am still working my first good looking black bird.

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A tough bird to capture and you did a good job getting the exposure set on this blackbird. The comp is also quite good and the BG is fairly soft. The grass blades in the BG do not bother me that much due to the dark coloration of the bird. Well done…Jim

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I like this look of the brewer’s punching up out of the tall grass with a nifty pose. Great detail on the bird. Well done.

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Excellent image, Allen. I like the context of its surroundings. The birds is sharply focused and well framed.

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