Besides my (rapidly becoming infamous) stump, my new yard is providing a nice challenge catching the bubbles floating on the new pond and stream. Getting the dof and shutter speed that I want is proving to be quite a challenge. Here’s one that’s close to what I’m envisioning… (7D2, 180mm macro, 1/400 s, f/10, iso 800, tripod, cropped to 8.5 x 11)
Gorgeous. . .drop dead gorgeous, Mark. Can’t image what you would change.
Really amazing, Mark! You even got a sun star in the bubble reflection! That is so cool!
Very imaginative and we’ll executed technically. I wonder if some of the LHS could be cropped, as it seems to add little. Maybe you like the self portrait, but you might try a version using a timer while you step away from the tripod.
Love those sunstars in this one. Like Dick, I could see tightening the comp on this one. The bubbles are the stars of this show, so to speak, and cropping in would further emphasize them for me. Good one!
Although I agree with Harley and might go a little tighter on the crop, this is an absolute gem. Jewel-like, the little star bursts and delicate shadows are a treat. I think you nailed it!
Oh wow, Mark! The only thing I see wrong with this image is that it isn’t mine!!! Wonderful image, and yes, the starburst are the “star of the show” in my opinion too. I love the different shades of brown, and the texture/lines in the leaves, so for me, as presented works for me, but it certainly is worth checking to see if cropping could even improve a perfect image!
Superb job on composition, textures, and colors in this image. You have an excellent eye for picking these things out.
Wonderful image Mark, I am amazing how sharp the photo did and the spikes in the sun reflections. I always thought something like F/22 was needed to do that. Photography is about shapes and you have a number of great examples. I really enjoy the 2 larger ones on one axis and two smaller ones on the other.
Mark: Count me in on a little cropping but this is exceptional. Not sure if I like the bubbles (even the tiny ones) or the sunstars the best. Winning combination for sure.
I’m catching up here and just saw this – total agreement with all the praise above – stunning and spectacular!!! I could see taking some off the left to a square-ish crop to further emphasize the bubbles. The sunstars are perfect!!!