
The sky was basically clear with the exception of the one small cloud that blocked the sun…

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iso 2000, 400 plus 2X, f5.6, 2500th, A7R4, handheld, 50% full frame.

That is really nice, David. Excellent head turn, beautiful water and superb detail.

Very nice!
For me, the reflection of blue sky in the water is the detail that catches the eye.

A wonderful capture in every way, David. I am enjoying all of it, but those drops of water on the back of the duck is icing on the cake for me.

So sweet David. The movement of the ripples in the water, the detail in the feathers and the water droplets all add up to wonderful image. Very nicely seen, captured and executed.

Hi David,
very nice detail and exposure on the duck. The pose is quite nice with a view of the back and head/eye also. Nice frame.