I found this large bull moose off the Moose Wilson Road in the Tetons last October. Wanted the moose with as much nice fall foliage as possible. Got lucky as he came out to the edge of the woods in even light and stood still for a few seconds.
The ISO was high so I used DXO Elite for just the one click noise reduction. Everything else was done in LR. I was very pleased with this image as this is the largest bull I have seen in the Tetons.
A really nice looking Moose, Andrew. The detail in the image is excellent and I like the tonality. The composition does feel a bit centered horizontally.
Dennis, Thanks for the input. I wanted those leaves in the upper right corner so it is more centered than it would have been without them. I will take a look at it per your suggestion.
Nice bull! He sure is dark colored on his front end. I do like the red leaves in the upper part. I agree with Dennis that it seem too centered. I think you could crop some, to get it where the bull’s head and shoulders are at the center, and I don’t think missing those upper red leaves will hurt the image. For me, it’s that dark body, and the nice, shiny, sharp antlers that attract my eye.
Nice one.
I agree with the others about the centered composition. I also dislike the downward shooting angle, although I do know this spot and I realize you didn’t have much of a choice. It’s a beautiful animal and the dash of color is a nice touch.
A cool frame with nice habitat and I love the red leaves in the upper frame.
Bushes in the BG are as sharp as the Moose, creating a bit of confusion here.