Burnt Oaks, Yosemite Valley


Image Description

Prescribed burns throughout Yosemite Valley combined with clearing morning mist provided atmospheric conditions for photography and were a worthy reminder of the cycle of life and death in the park.

Feedback Requests

Compositional feedback on whether there is too much blank space on the right; I was avoiding centering the tree.

Pertinent Technical Details

ISO 250, 43 mm, f/22, 1/160 second. I believe I set my aperture for photographing sunstars earlier in the morning.


I love this image! It gives me a very forlorne feeling of solitude. I think the composition was very well done and the lighting is perfect to me. Personally i don’t have any suggestions. Great job! Definitely envy this shot.

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Beautiful image, well seen and processed.

The limited colour palette is always a favourite of mine. I don’t feel there is too much empty space on the right. I don’t feel it’s empty at all. I want to keep looking through the trees. That one tree on the diagonal in the BG just seems to draw me in. Not in a bad way.

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A beautiful image and good processing.
There isn’t too much empty space on the right for me. It is balancing the visual weight of the tree and the other, darker parts of the image.
Great, moody capture.

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Beth, the shift from “clean white” to showing the crepuscular rays is nicely dramatic. That contrast also sets off the burned branches of the main tree well. They, in turn, contrast with the warm grasses at the bottom.

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Beth: I think this is superbly composed and captured. The right side is the perfect lead in to the rays on the left. I flipped it horizontally to change the direction of gaze to suit my western culture bias toward preferring to move left to right in a frame. Not better but different. Marvelous scene brilliantly presented. >=))>

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I love this idea, Bill, thank you! It does “read” better leading the eye from left to right :slightly_smiling_face: