It’s not often that I’ve been able to get this close to Burrowing Owls but in this location they are fairly accustomed to human foot traffic. However, they also spend a lot of time around man-made things so I had to wait a while to get this and a little maneuvering to get separation of background.
1/1000, 7.1, ISO 800 . Canon 7D II, 100-400 @400mm handheld
I am so jealous, but at the same time, happy for you, Terri. I have yet to be able to point my lens at this subject. What a great shot. Such details in his feathers. And that look he gave you. Well worth the wait. At first, I thought, centered, (you know how we can get all into rules), but then the more I viewed this image, and the size and width of the owl, and the environment around him, the more this works well just as presented for the subject.
I know where a couple of these guys live but both times I’ve attempted to shoot them they are way too far off or partially obscured by ground cover. I lust for a fine, clean shot like this. If this were my photo I would be tempted to play with the contrast some on this to see if it would “pop” the owl some. I’ll keep trying but I doubt if I’ll ever get a shot as fine as this of one!
Sweet image of this owl. I really like the look it is giving you, and the low angle. I am fine with the centered composition - IMHO it goes well with the head-on look. The soft colors in the image are also pleasing to the eye.
Oh my, that look is fantastic! I think he/she is tired of getting its picture taken! Seriously, this is a great image as is. I think the centered composition works well and at first, I thought the same as Dave regarding a little pop but when I clicked on the image to view it full size, it really looked wonderful as is.