The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I’m not sure what to do with this - it was surprising to find this one when culling. I was shooting these owls waaaay across a field by a cemetery in massive winds, glare and heat haze, and almost none of the shots were usable. I like this one though.
Specific Feedback
Any suggestions on improvements would be great.
Technical Details
Fuji X-H2S, 1/600s, f/8.0, ISO 500, 600mm. Raw conversion with DXO PureRaw in Lightroom Classic.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
How neat to get one in flight and looking at you as well. Not sure I have any suggestions. I’d be happy to have seen and shot this scene. My first thought was to make the owl on the ground stand out more, but on second thought it blends in so well with the environment, it seems appropriate to leave it as is.
Debbie, you got two for the price of one! I have yet to have one pose for me. I like that you captured one in flight and the other on the grown. To me it shows a little more about their environment and the things that they do. Not sure how you were about to hold the camera study even on a tripod in that kind of wind. Good job.
Very nice, Debbie. It doesn’t look like this would stand up to much more cropping, so I think I’d leave it as-is except maybe to put a border on the edges as it’s the kind of image that lets my eye drift off. I like the way my eye goes immediately to the bird in flight and then discovers the one on the ground.
Hi Debbie, a nice catch of these two owls with the one flying getting our initial attention and the still one providing additional interest. I see the affects of wind, heat, etc on image quality but this still is a good rendition of the owls. Tells a great story.
Debbie, I don’t know if you have the pixels, but a vertical crop makes the most sense to me. In this case it’s not about the flight and directionality of the top owl, as much as the great interplay between the two owls. I think a vertical crop here connects the two in a strong diagonal line cutting through the frame, really emphasizing their visual relationship.
Did you add the vignette, or is that natural shading along the top and bottom? I do find it distracting, especially since the top shadow encroaches on the flying owl.