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What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any
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It is an ongoing challenge for me to get one of these tiny, nonstop rascals to hold still long enough for me to get a shot. I get lucky every once in a while. This one let me shoot him with my D500, Nikon 200-500 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, hand held, 1/800th, 280mm, ISO 2800, AI Clear I removed a couple of little distractions from its environment.
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Nice capture. He stayed long enough to get some good detail and he even gave you a cute pose. I like the environment you caught him in.
Seems like a lovely bird to me ! Never seen it I think. Love the leaves on the lower and of the branch. Nice composition with the diagonal branch. Cheers, Hans
Hi Dave,
The head turn is very nice and this one is a cutie for sure. Comp is pretty good and the only thing that I would do is to reduce the brightness of the branches in the lower RH corner. Well done…Jim
Hi Dave
The head tilt and eye contact make the shot. I did see the brightness in the lower right until I read Dave comments, and reducing the brightness would help.
A beautiful image, Dave. Just a super cute little ball of feathers and a great head turn. The only issue I have is the background which has some bright areas that pull my eye a bit, particularly the white diagonal in the lower right corner. I’d love to have this good a shot of a Bushtit.