The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
another really small bird. Bush tits Usually seem to come in groups. I was fortunate to catch just one Although the others were probably close by. one also has a funny looking background but I will tell you it is Minimumly processed.
Specific Feedback
Technical Details
iso-2500, 200 to 500 at 500 mm. F7 .1, 1000th, handheld, D 500
Critique Template
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Daivid - I love this ! These guys are so cute, and this is the perfect pose and “attitude”. The detail on the puffball bird, the branch and clump of moss on the end, as well as the little string of moss below, make a perfect setting.
Comp is also perfect.
Great catch, David. I do see some banding in the largest version and I’m at a loss as to where it’s coming from. Makes no sense to me. I love this image. The pose and fluffed out plumage make this one great.
I used to have them nesting in the yard when I lived north of Seattle and they somehow raised 11 to 13 babies in those dangling nests. It must be chaos in there at feeding time.
I like this little guy. Maybe he is trying to look bigger than he really is by fluffing up. I like how the BG colors match so well with the FG and the tit centered.
I love photographing these little bushtits at my backyard feeder here in western WA. They typically come in flocks of 8-10 birds, flit about for 5-10 minutes and then move on.
You have captured a nice pose. I love how his head is cocked a little to the side, looking back at you with some curiosity. Thanks for sharing.
The background does have some banding artifacts. Did you shoot this in RAW or JPG mode?
Shot In raw. I have no idea what’s causing the banding. This is something I’ve been running into frequently and I’m not sure what the actual causes or whether there are reasonable fixes out there.
Hi David, love the look from this guy and what a cute puff ball. Interesting perch too. BG looks good except for the slight banding - I’m not sure what would cause this. A fine catch.
A lovely shot! I love the pose and expression, and the perch. The BG is also lovely.
I’m on my laptop and not seeing significant banding. I see some over-sharpening on the right side of the bird (its left side), very visible at the larger magnification. If that sharpening helped with the face, and it was done on a layer in PS, you could brush (mask) it off the areas where it was too much.
Are you opening in PS in 16 bits? Do you see the banding there? Can you identify a step at which it becomes obvious, or is it just in the exported JPEG? If the latter, how are you exporting? Compare using LR’s export dialog, set to 2000 x 2000 px, high quality.
OR, maybe it could be this: I see the image enlarges quite a lot, which makes evaluation easy, but maybe the file size is so big that something here on the site is reducing quality – that could cause banding. Or maybe you are inadvertently reducing quality at export to keep the file size down?
I’ve found that when exporting an image, 80% jpg quality will sometimes have that banding we can see here in the darker areas of the background. Perhaps increasing the quality to 90-100% would fix?
Either way, I don’t think it’s that big of an issue, as you’re not the only one on the forum that has had banding critques with their pics.
Well done, excellent pose and great lighting on a small bird, I say get this printed!
I just had a thought on this one, David. It might be fun to do this as a square crop putting the centers of the bushtit and moss clump on the diagonal. It would proably be pretty tight but it might work nicely.
This is a really wonderful image. The greens in the vegetation enhance the image, the background looks great and the bird is perfect. Those eyes! Everything is sharp and full of detail but not too crispy. This really makes me feel like I was there.