Oak Titmouse

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any/All

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any/All

Pertinent technical details or techniques: I got this little guy near my backyard bird feeder. D500, Nikon 2-500 lens, 1/250th, f/7.1, ISO 200, 500mm, tripod/gimbal head, flash, cropped to 2662 x 1980

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Lovely, Dave. Excellent composition and detail and I love the inquisitive head turn.

Hi Dave, I really like this - nice pose of a bird I’ve never seen before. Good job on the flash but I would remove the bottom catchlight in the eye - you only need one. Nice frame.

Sweet image. As Allen stated, only one catch light is needed. This is something you need to watch when you use a flash. But overall a very pleasing composition with superb detail, pose, and perch. The background is also quite nice.

Very nice - tack-sharp, great head-turn, complimentary BG, and fairly interesting perch.
Nits already mentioned.