CA Poppies

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There’s a nearby river gorge that sometimes this time of year yields a magnificent bloom of California poppies. I took my life in my hands yesterday morning on the scary little one lane road that crosses the gorge and struck gold. This is one of several shots I managed to get. Glorious morning. D500, Nikon 18-200 lens, hand held, 1/1000th, f 80, 28mm, ISO 560, AI Clear, cropped to 3712 x 5174

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What a wonderfully glorious day Dave. Really glad you survived the trip. But looks like it was well worth the effort. My eyes are immediately draw to the angle the hill takes in the background along with the lone tree. The poppies add a very nice orange glow to the field. Looks like a perfect day, hope you got to spend some time there.

Wish I were with you on that road, Dave. A loooong time ago, I grew up in Bakersfield and poppies were a wonderful part of life. A few years ago, I made a image similar to yours in the Kern Canyon; I remember the feedback I got, so I had fun fiddling with yours.

  • I saturated the poppies and de-saturated/ darkened the greens to give more contrast.
  • I pushed blue saturation a lot to pick up the lupines
  • I burned the grass further in areas to create some paths or texture in the field.
  • I burned and saturated the rock at the bottom; turns out there is some nice gold color in it.
  • I de-saturated and darkened the sky … Bright blue is a color that demands to hold the eye, and we want the eyes to go through the poppy fields.

Nice tricks. I have to confess it’s a more attractive picture. Thanks for the blow by blow on your techniques. I may just have to apply some, or all of this to some of the other poppy shots I got yesterday. Yessir.

Nice Perspective of the scene. I like Dick’s treatment.


The tree and poppies make for a very appealing image Dave. I really like the rework done by @Dick_Knudson, his changes have added some extra impact to the image. The stronger greens in his rework really help to accentuate the poppies.

While this composition has a great sense of depth, i feel like the rock in the LLC is so dominant visually, that it competes for attention with the poppies and tree. I might consider a 5:7 format crop and eliminate that rock, cropping just above the shadow area in the LRC.