
I’ve tried to photograph small bonfires/campfires before with no success due to the brightness of the flames overpowering the dynamic range of the sensor in low ambient light. But there was enough light for this one, from several years ago.

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Only slight dodging and burning on this one.


That’s a nice campfire photo. I’ve always tried to photograph campfires too. They turn out ok, but haven’t capture one I can really ooh & aah at. I think you captured the essence of a campfire - the logs with their burnt parts facing the flame along with the ashes that will eventually be falling off into the pit, the flame peering out through the logs and those beautiful, warm, glowing ashes buried deep below the logs. Makes me want to go out and start a campfire. Good job.

Thanks, @Donna_Callais! From what I see of the weather back there (and a wide swath around it) you might be hard pressed to find anything that could be warmed up to a combustion point. Hope everyone is OK. (It was 70 degrees here today, and down to 37 forecast tonight.)

It seems trivial, but as soon as I posted this the piece of wood in the UL bugged me, so here is a very quick and dirty redo. Not a serious enough image to warrant more work, but I do wish I had paid a little more attention when I shot it.

I like the V shaped piece of wood that originates from the RH lower corner. I like the redo better and the darkened upper LH corner improves the comp. Well done…Jim

Diane, this is a good look at a campfire, given the brightness, there must have still been some daylight when you took it. I like that you can see some smoke as well as the wood and the flames.