Cannon Beach from Ecola in B&W w/Update

Update from comments:


Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I haven’t posted in Landscape for quite a while. I took this image last August. I’ve photographed this scene for years, but have rarely seen the clouds and fog with so much moodiness and character. Hopefully the moodiness comes through.

Specific Feedback

Any comments appreciated. I’ve worked on this image over the several months since I took it with a lot of dodging/burning, gradients, and a bit of grain to add depth.

Technical Details

45mm, 40sec @ f/11, ISO 125. Taken before Sunrise. Processed entirely in Capture One.


Love the mood captured here and the depth layers. My only suggestion is to perhaps dial down the highlights on the left hand side of the frame.

David, this image is a testament to your persistence in photographing the scene over the years until the conditions were just right. You’ve done a masterful job with the dodging and burning too. I especially like the detail in the first full island on the left. There’s not much to pick on here. Maybe a tiny crop off the right side where the background mountains are at the low point? Great job and perfect for B&W!


Great choice going with the b&w; the mood and atmosphere are really enhanced with the monochrome, contrasts, etc.

Your persistence has certainly paid off. I have popuplar views I have visited for years, dozens of times… and we do that because of what you’ve expressed - at some time the conditions will elevate the scene to something you hadn’t experienced before - despite many years of viewing he scene. Hope that makes sense.

I’m not sure if you processed this way intentionally, or if my observation is warranted or not. But I’m wondering about the clouds/sky and the apparent presence of noise, OR grain? I guess with b&w, grain is a choice. And also, that graininess does go along with the mood and atmosphere - so take my comment with a “grain” of salt. lol.

I supposed a little could be cropped off the top and still maintain the mood. A personal preference of course.


@DJLeland, @Ron_Meeker, and @Lon_Overacker thank you for the comments and suggestions. I’ve posted an update above.

@Lon_Overacker the sky did have grain added, I’ve removed it in the update. I don’t apply grain very often, but this one seemed to call for it.

Thanks again.

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David, I do think that the little tweaks improved the image. It went from great to greater! Nice job and thanks for the repost.

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Beautiful Photo !!! I love the TONE !!!

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I am loving this as this image is dripping with mood! Your perseverance has paid off with those moody drama laden clouds and the B&W treatment looks great to me. Those couple of some tweaks suggested by @Lon_Overacker elevated an already beautiful image another notch. Great job on this.

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Wow, what great mood you achieved with this image, David! The long exposure really made those clouds and fog mood makers. I love that you chose B&W for this also adding even more to the mood. I like both versions but I do like that you removed some off the top of the revision and I think that does help . Your perseverance really paid off on this and so did your tweaking over the last several months. Great job on this.

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@Ron_Meeker, @Gill_Vanderlip, @Ed_Lowe, @David_Haynes Thanks so much for the kind comments. Much appreciated.