Can't get enough (+ 2 re-edits)

Before I start to overwhelm you with winter, here’s another fall favorite. More boardwalk on the Wood Lake IAT segment. I am a total sucker for boardwalks in nature preserves. While bright, the light was pretty dramatic and I did my best to tame this shot into an approximation of what it was like to stand here and breathe it in.

Here is a slightly cooled off version w/green luminance value added back and yellow saturation reduced slightly. Can’t see too much of a difference, but it might look ok.

With saturation increased a few points -

Specific Feedback Requested

Open to ideas for processing and alternate compositions for the next time I go.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Tripod and probably the CPL


Lr processed for everything - global adjustment to exposure, white and black points, highlights taken down quite a bit. Didn’t add any texture or clarity because it didn’t need it and I didn’t want it to get crispy. Soft, soft, soft was the goal here. Lots of work with local adjustments. The mask panel looks like this -


To me, the yellow tone overpowers the image. I took your shot, cooled down the shadows some, added a bit of contrast, and a stronger vignette to help draw the eyes more to the middle.

This is another wonderful autumn scene, Kris. The light is quite lovely; particularly on the left side; and the processing looks just fine to me. The boardwalk does a perfect job of taking me into the image and that brighter spot in the BG helps continue that. I have no suggestions.

Wonderful light and composition! I don’t find the yellows overpowering – the light looks like it is filtered through the autumn foliage and has a magic quality to it. There is some green in there to balance the warmth.

In the post by @Bobby_Burton feels too dark and it has lost some of the magic light, for me.

Thanks @Bobby_Burton, @Ed_Lowe & @Diane_Miller

I think you may be onto something with the yellow, Bobby, but woah, that’s a strong version of the shot and not really what I had in mind, but everyone’s ideas are different and I appreciate you going to the effort.

Boardwalks are catnip for me. I’ve even chosen hikes based on whether there are boardwalks. It’s crazy.

I think the yellows are a tad overdone, but only a bit. The softer look of your original is great, Kris. I love the boardwalk leading lines. Cool.

I put a different version in the OP. Pulled the wb down a bit and increased the presence of the greens and reduced the yellows. It does look different, but I think it lacks richness now. Hm…maybe I should have saturated the colors just a bit overall after messing with yellow and green.

Hmm, I think increasing saturation overall would do the trick, Kris. I really like this image.

I don’t know how it could get better!! Saturation or Vibrance is magic in cases like this where it isn’t overdone.

Just lovely Kristen; such a good use of leading lines. No need to change much in this one.

Thanks @David_Bostock, @Diane_Miller & @John_Williams - sometimes it’s the little tweaks that have the biggest effect.