Casaurina trunk against sandstone

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This image was taken on a recent trip to the Grampians national park in Australia, which is full of textured and colorful sandstone formations. With this image I tried to emphasize the contrast of the color of the bark and the color/texture of the sandstone. However, I am unsure if the number of branches included in the image create a chaotic scene.

Specific Feedback

All feedback is appreciated!

Technical Details

Taken at 50mm, f/20, 1/30s

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I like the beautiful sandstone color background. I don’t find the branches chaotic, for the most part. Perhaps a bit of chaos on the upper right hand side that can be minimized.

Hi Keenan,
The limbs in this image create a nice diagonal flow and impart a sense of motion. The limbs are a little chaotic, but not overly so. The only ones that bother me a little are the ones in the ULC. My only suggestion would be to crop a little from the top to get rid of them. I hope you do not mind, but here is a repost with what I was thinking. I also like the way the lighter tones of the tree stand out against the earth tones of the sandstone.

@Ed_Lowe @DJLeland Hi Ed and DJ, firstly apologies for the very late response! I definitely agree with your feedback regarding the upper right hand side and I think the crop works very well. I think this is an image that I had to sit with for a while until I was personally happy with it. Thanks again!