Cedar Waxwing

I was photographing landscape images on the river bank when a flock of cedar waxwings flew into the bushes just above my head. Will take photos of birds and wildlife when the opportunity arises. Luckily I was using my 70-400 for my and was able to quick turn around and get some images. I have two other images that I’m happy with but this was my favorite.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments on the composition. Also wondering about the feathers on the head being too sharpened.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
1/800, f5.6, iso1600. 400m on 70-400mm adapter DSLR lens on a full frame mirroless camera. The image was processed in LR then PS along with Topaz denoise AI

Instagram @bryannelsonca

Love this image, Bryan. Have been trying to get a shot of this bird for some time. You have done a great job capturing this one with very good clarity. I also like the sprouting leaves and beautiful background and head turn. Great photo.

Gorgeous! The beautiful leaves make a very nice frame around the bird, with clean edges. The bird has a nice pose and you can see the eye. The top of the head may be just a bit sharper than the rest of the bird, but it isn’t what I would call over sharpened – just really sharp. But a brush of the Blur tool will often be a subtle and easy fix for an area like that.

If you’re into such things, it would be interesting to do some larger-scale blur/softening on the limb coming out of the head. It pulls my eye out of the frame more than I like.

Very nice! I like the position of the bird in the branches. Your focus is spot on and the detail shows that. Well composed and depth of field to support the image.

I agree with all of the comments already given. Very sharp, good color nice environment and good background.