I took this one a year ago, getting time to work on these gets are when I shoot more than I can handle. I am sure I am not alone here. I used my 7D ii and the 180 Macro F/3.5 ISO 5000 1/800 f/25. Bees are so fast I should have lowered the f-ratio, I always worry about diffraction but also have been told I should not be. The shutter speed might be a bit slow here to but as long and I don’t try a large print the see seem or here. At ISO 5000 the darker area on the right had noise. I used NosieWare on only that part. On just the bee I used a very mild high pass filter.
I think there is too much in the right but not sure how to crop it and keep the flower in there as is and keep a 4:3 ratio. Any thoughts as always welcome.
As a side not to others that do not use smart objects in Photoshop, this is very handy with filters and more so plugin filters that open a outside program such as noise ware. When I apply the filter I ignore the area I do not care about and focus on what I do. Since that messes up other parts of the photo this is where the smart object in Photoshop pays off, there is a mask that I invert and only revel what I wanted. If I want to use more than one filter, I duplicate the layer, add the next filter, then create a mask on the layer. Anyway, just a little bit on my work flow for those that might find it useful.