Chris Murray - The Subjective Landscape

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Our next presentation in our webinar series is from Chris Murray. We are holding this webinar later in the day to avoid the daytime congestion that occurs on Zoom and caused our issues with Cole’s presentation.

If you are viewing this in an email, click the Visit Topic button at the bottom of the email to register. Spots are limited, so register right away!

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The Subjective Landscape

April 13, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Your local time: 2020-04-13T22:00:00Z

In this presentation Chris will draw a distinction between two schools of thought in landscape photography today, what he calls objective and subjective landscapes. He will discuss the defining qualities of each and how they differ in both approach and intent. He will also discuss ways that we can access and develop our own vision in order to make more subjective, personally expressive images. Time will also be spent on the question of meaning in our photos and the rewards of pursuing subjective images.


Chris Murray is a fine-art nature photographer, instructor, and writer working in the landscape of his native New York State. His work has appeared in several magazines including On Landscape, Popular Photography, Shutterbug, Adirondack Life, Life in the Finger Lakes, and New York State Conservationist, among others. His landscape stock imagery is represented by Aurora Photos and Danita Delimont Stock Photography. He is also a staff instructor with the Adirondack Photography Institute.

Chris’ interest in photographing landscapes is derived mainly from his love of the natural world, the same love that led him to choose geology as his first profession. In photography he strives to make images that are a reflection of his sensibilities and how he sees the world. His goal is not to document literal appearances, but rather make photos that are a creative expression of his emotional response inspired by a subject.

Chris Murray resides in Syracuse, NY.

See Chris’ work here:



Hi - I am in the UK which means the webinar starts at 2300hrs here, way past my bedtime! Will there be a recording available?

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Hi Michael, there will be a recording available the next day!

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Hi David

Where do I find the link for Chris Murray’s webinar?

Five minutes prior to the start time the ‘Registered’ button will change to a ‘Join’ button.

Hello David, I can see the ‘Join’ button but when I try to click, it says my connection is timed out and I cannot join now. I am wondering why this might happen. Thanks.

Ditto. Same problem for me on any browser.

Yup, timed out in Firefox.

Same here. Connection timed out and hit retry and the same thing happens.

Click below the meeting, ‘CLICK HERE TO JOIN’ and it works.

Check e-mail as well, a new link works.

I was getting the timeout message too. I signed out of NPN, then signed back in. Then clicked on JOIN button again and it worked.

Please try this link

Nature Photographers Network

Enjoyed this webinar very much. I did get knocked off on two occasions, but only for a short time and reconnected no problem. I like everything you had to say about developing your own vision and although it seems to be a popular topic these days, you had some unique insights to add of your own. I especially admired your passion for photography that has carried you from wanting to photograph preconceived ideas of the grand landscape to the smaller more expressive intimate scenes to be found in intimate landscape photography. It is true that it takes a certain amount of photographic courage to pursue your own vision, follow your own path, let go of expectations, and most importantly, express your own inner landscape in your images. I think you provided great examples of this. Thanks so much for sharing your insights and experience here!

I recently joined NPN officially after being a “free” member for a year or so. I’ve enjoyed many of the articles and images but am definitely glad I signed up. I just finished watching the recording of Chris Murray’s webinar and found it very valuable and inspiring. I very much align with Chris’s outlook on landscape photography and have strong leanings toward subjective versus objective images. Thanks Chris and NPN for providing excellent and useful content!