Christmas Poinsettia

Just a simple close-up of a vibrant red poinsettia, with our Christmas tree in the background. With the use of warm lighting, my goal was to create a dreamy, holiday feeling.

Specific Feedback Requested

All feedback is welcome.

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Mark, the Poinsettia looks great against the tree and light stars. The color match between the Poinsettia center and the tree is a fine extra benefit. Definitely says holiday.

Thanks for the feedback Mark!

Really nice job on this Christmas scene, Mark! Your tree makes for a wonderful BG and the stars with the lights are a nice touch. I only have a couple of small suggestions; just my opinion of course. The first would be to clone out the red area above the poinsettia leaf along the top edge along with some bright areas toward the right side. Secondly I would darken the tree just a little. I hope you do not mind, but here is a repost with what I was thinking.

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Excellent suggestions Ed, thanks!!