Holiday wishes,
with peace and joy for you all,
wander, explore and enjoy!
Nikon D7200, f/10, 1/13sec., iso 20 @a05mm, tripod & remote
Square crop, ACR sharpened leaf, remove white fleck from leaf. PS exposure, color balance and brightness adjustments, added freehand vignette using TK8.
This poinsettia leaf was position just so to catch a bit of sunlight right on the tip of the leaf, which created a very striking image I couldn’t resist. I have enhanced the colors a tad but are the colors & image believable ? Any other thoughts and comments are welcome? Thank you.
Brava!! I like your manipulation of the light and shapes to create this. The colors seem realistic to me - poinsettia bracts are often like this when they’re starting to turn all red. That line of green on the edge knocks me out especially. You could crop in a little tighter on the left and maybe rotate for additional room at the tip, depending on how much you cropped out. The square looks good and I like the echo leaf behind. Sweet.
Thank you, @Kris_Smith and @Shirley_Freeman for your kind comments and great suggestions. I’ve reposted and agree added just a bit more space give the tip of the leaf some nice breathing room.
Very nice photo Linda, especially the re-post! I like the colors, comp, detail and lighting. The echo leaf, as Kris mentioned, enhances the overall comp. Well done!
Thanks so much, @Diane_Miller and @Mark_Seaver for your kind thoughts. In reading both of your comments I was reminded just how subjective photos can be. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and all. I’ve come to the conclusion, for these two images, I do like both for different reasons. Thans again.
@linda_mellor I see you are editing both in ACR and PS. You can either go back to your original RAW file or just edit this one, but if you edit this one, duplicate the original, then reopen in ACR and go to the bottom of the editing list to “Calibrations.” I moved all three of the sliders a bit here and there, and then in PS, added a layer mask to the duplicate and brushed out some of the overly bright reds and greens but left the middle of the leaf pretty much alone from the brush…It really makes a nice impact on the smaller cell areas.
Thanks so much, Chris, for taking the time to work with this photo. I do work in both ACR and PS, however, when I am in ACR I open the file into PS as an object, so it possible for me to go back to the original to make changes. So I did go back to my original and tried out your suggestions which worked quite well. Thank you for passing this technique along.