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This is a great capture of the “circle of life”, Frank. I don’t like seeing a critter getting killed, but I know that it is the way the circle of life is, each species has to eat, and something has to give it’s life. I love the lighting. The colors to me are really complimentary, with each ones fur blending nicely with the grasses surrounding them. The stair of the leopard in the direction of the camera shows she is on guard that nothing (not even the photographer) is going to take he meal away. Great shot!
Great subject and love the side (soft) lighting ! There is a sense of achievement in the eyes of Cheetah. I like how you managed to capture the eyes of both, predator and the prey.
This shot shows a lot about the biology/ecology of the African savanna. Excellent detail and the cheetah’s eyes and ears reveal that when you catch dinner, make sure sure nobody steals the meal. Well done…Jim