Claret Cup Cactus

My favorite cactus to Photograph, usually the first to bloom around my area

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Is this a composite: No
Canon 5d 180 macro


Another wonderfully eye-catching images, Gerald. I like how you pushed the intensity of the color so far and the contrast and tension that creates with the unsaturated areas.

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This is a pretty cool image. It is a wonderful composition and unlike most cactus photos, the flowers steal the show while the cactus spines are muted and do not compete with the flowers. This is an awesome shot…Jim

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Great image. The reds catch all the attention, so no distractions. very well composed. Every part of the flower is sharp, so great handling of dof.

A great image. I love the red color explosion against the pale background. Also, the five flowers are positioned pleasingly.

Gerald: Fantastic capture of these blooms. Can’t add too much to the previous comments but I do like the flow of the flowers and their arrangement in the frame. Superb image. >=))>

All said above! The reds jump off my screen!