Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
Lots of western and Clark’s grebe courtship and rushing behavior last week on Upper Klamath Lake. I liked the head on perspective captured in this image. 7d2, 500/F4+1.4, F10, 1/2500, ISO 800, -0.33 EC, tripod. Thanks for any comments or suggestions,
Excellent photo. I like the head on perspective and the eyes and foot. Very nice.
You need to post another frame form this in the Weekly Challenge (Moving Water) today, Dave. I love the head-on pose and the action is wonderful, particularly with that wonderful splash. Very well done.
Hi David,
Excellent image! Love head on look with those stunning red eyes and the splashing water. Wonderful capture of the action.
Wonderful action shot. The clarity on the Grebe and the water within the field of focus is really pleasing. I like the lifted foot.
Nothing much to add, wonderful action shot ! The eyes are simply the hammer ! Cheers, Hans
One of my favorite shots so far this year Dave, super action with a unique pose, way to go!
Excellent action image David, everything about the image is noteworthy, congrats.
Dave, I completely agree. And your perfectly square-on perspective works great when considering the centered framing. It’s interesting how they tuck their wings back, which likely would create drag to impede the rush. It’s an excellent little slice of time here. They really get to kicking up a nice froth of water when they’re doing this, don’t they.
Love the shot - great choice of shutter speed, positioning of the bird (and yourself).