Wow is it that time of year already. Nice shot of the “rushing” Karl.
I might be tempted to crop a little closer just to focus in on the birds a bit more.
This is definitely one of the better images of this behavior I’ve seen, Karl. The balance of the wake and the open space in front of the grebes works very well for my taste. I also like the poses of the two being a bit different rather than perfectly mirroring one another as it gives them a bit of individuality. You also got a great view of those wonderful red eyes. Just an excellent image.
Wow very nice Karl. Great poses of the couple churning away. Great catch of the water too. I like the cropping even though I agree closer could work also.
Well captured and composed. This is a behavior I have been wanting to see and photograph. I really like that you were able to get the wake in the rear and also the heads of the two grebes separate.