Clearing Storm

This is near the mouth of Cottonwood Creek, where it enters the Sacramento River, in northern California. A storm had gone through earlier in the day, and was clearing towards the end of the day. The sun coming out through the clouds was just shimmering on the water.

What technical feedback would you like if any? What artistic feedback would you like if any?

I exposed for the bright bits, so the shadows are very shadowy. I tried bringing out more detail in the shadows, but felt that didn’t add anything to the story, and in fact detracted from the graphical nature of the bright shapes. Any thoughts on that are appreciated, along with anything else that strikes you.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Single frame, a7, 24-105mm@37mm, f/16, 1/1000s, ISO400, hand held.

A nicely dark and moody image. Coming from film and Velvia 50, the dark shadows don’t bother me a bit. They look natural to my eye.

Bonnie, the zig-zag of the creek winds well through the lower half. The sky complements the water’s brightness. I do think that a just a bit more detail in the far bank would be good. I like the hints of tree shapes on the far shore and wish from just a bit more there.