Cline Falls, Oregon

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I took this one a couple of weeks ago while in Oregon. I was attending a reunion and everyone else slept late. So twice I started my day by taking the short hike to these falls. This part of the falls is off to the side and isn’t as large as it seems in a photograph.

Technical Details

ISO 200, f/16. 1/6th second


Gorgeous!! The plants give it some scale – without them it could look huge, but scale doesn’t matter here. You have captured a beautiful composition of flows with excellent framing. The highlights are very well controlled with good detail in the shadows. The darkest areas are very dark but pleasantly so and don’t have a blocked-up look-- not an easy matter with this sort of capture. No suggestions!

Thanks very much, Diane. :slight_smile: