Cooper's Hawk feeding

What technical feedback would you like if any? Had to shoot through a window, and had to work with shadows from a fence which changed as the sun moved. Hawk was in my backyard. Any suggestions for improving or reducing shadows.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Does this composition work, or should I crop tighter?

Any pertinent technical details: Canon EOS R, Sigma 150-600mm C, @ 403mm, monopod, 1/800 @ F-8 ISO 800

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Nice job getting the focus on the head, John. The fence post shadow doesn’t bother me too much, but if you put the bird on a separate layer it would be easy to go over the shadowed are with a soft dodging brush set at a low level and just build up the brightness of that area as much as you’d like. There’s certainly no loss of detail there, so it should work well.

Given the angle of the bird to you, it might have added an extra bit of punch if you’d gone to f/11 to get the body of the bird as crisp as the head.

Great sharpness and the eye is right on. Dennis has some good suggestions and comments. I am not a photoshop pro but the suggestion to get rid of the shadow should work. In an ideal situation a lower angle would have been nice but sometimes you take what you are given.