The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I had been photographing birds when this coyote made an appearance. It moused quite a ways out of range but caught one and for reasons known only to the coyote, it came in closer. It stopped in a lighter patch of grass for a bit to look at me when I took a few frames. I liked his pose and the framing by the straw colored grasses.
Specific Feedback
Would you burn the lighter colored grasses the coyote is standing in or leave it as is?
We had a cat that would do that – Look what I caught!!! But seriously, an excellent image! The coyote is so nicely sharp and detailed, with good lighting and a perfect environment. T ink a simple gradient burn from the bottom to about halfway up the OOF FG grass would work well to give a little base.
It’s great that it moved closer for you. I like the way the OOF areas in front and behind the coyote frame him so neatly. I wouldn’t have thought to do it on my own, but I really like @Diane_Miller’s suggestion. Thanks for this image!
I did not fully appreciate the improvement until I took @JRajput’s suggestion. My first reaction to this image was AH. What a great moment in the life of a handsome animal.
I don’t want to confuse you, but I really like the original post best. The light grass makes the mood brighter and the photo nicer to look at. So I wouldn’t do any burning at all. I love the shot - what a gorgeous animal in a great moment!
Grt, Ingrid.