CPL shadows in the sky

Hi all.

I’m a fan of the wide shot and so often get caught with shadows in the corners of my images (usually in the sky) when using a circular polarising lens on my 16-35mm at anything wider than 24mm.

I hope that some of you would share your post processing methods of dealing with this or point me to a solution.



Hi, Mark - simply clone them out, or us PS generative fill to fill in the areas.

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If it’s in the corners only did you try PS > Filter > Lens Correction > Custom > Vignette > Lighten

The above are both much simpler solutions compared to what I was doing! Much appreciated.

I was adapting a technique of Sean Bagshaw’s which I’ve found worked pretty well but I was seldom 100% happy with the outcome.

Sandy, I found generative fill pretty good once I got some sensible text into the prompt box. I’m not thrilled with the concept though as it seems like cheating or maybe “not my own work”?

Paul, I can see how this would work but the dark areas are not evenly spaced in the corners of course. I will have to work on some methodology for dealing with that.

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Mark, for dark corners, you don’t need a prompt. Just circle it an hit “Gen fill”.
No different than the old tedious cloning, imo. All it did was match the lighter areas.


Thanks Sandy. I’ve done this again without text and got a better outcome.

Glad this helped, Mark !