Bw wide

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What artistic feedback would you like if any?any


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I used cheap wide angle lens I rarely use then curved photo in lightroom and cloned in empty spaces around edges with PS … D3400, ISO 400 aperture unknown, fl 50mm … just a experiment, does it work ?

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The cloning on the right isn’t working for me. And thanks for including the original because I’m not sure that you needed to clone or fill in any spaces. I mean there’s more open space than there are branches and at least for me the gap between the trees on the right is filled in fairly well with the branches. At least for me, when there are repeating patterns as a result of cloning, it just doesn’t come off as well.

I like where you’re going with the b&w and how the trees left and right frame the grouping in the background. Don’t know what you’re doing to convert to b&w, but there’s tons of directions to go with this. If you have Nik’s old plugins and Silver EFex Pro 2, there’s lots of templates.

Your presentation does give me an idea though. You could employ a very slight “radial blur” which would accentuate the already soft branches on the sides and push attention towards the center of the frame, which I think you were trying to in the first place.

Hope this helps,
