Cuddle Bug

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is Teddy. Chrissy had gone to the pet store to pick up some food for our other cats and brought this guy home as well. I wasn’t too happy about her buying another cat until I saw his eyes. He has been a faithful friend for over 10 years now and cuddles with her every chance he gets. I do most of the cat food shopping now. All comments welcome. >=))>

Technical Details

Sony A77
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 800, 1/8 @ f8

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This cat has a very interesting genetic anomaly. Photo is very nice and its funny how we initially look at another mouth to feed and years later they get accepted as a loving member of the household. You could do a crop just for the eyes after rotating them to horizontal. Nice kitty cat photo…Jim

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Cool portrait! I’ve never seen a cat with mismatched eye color. You captured a nice expression and good light. Cats definitely make their own rules.

Our older son-in-law is no longer allowed in pet stores without supervision.

Cool photo and the eyes are really neat with that mismatched color, Bill. Luckily, our pet food store just sells food!