Cycle o f Life

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The imperfections of this decaying lily pad was offset by the emergence of new growth beneath the pond. i liked the connection between the two symbolised by the stalk. it seemed to be like an umbilical chord.

Specific Feedback

The leaf was pale and I feel it is enhanced by the darker background of the pond, but does it need more contrast?
I loved the messiness of the decaying lily pad…is it too messy?

Technical Details

70 mm focal length
ISO 200
Nikon z 24-70 mm lens

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I love your composition here Diny. Where you’ve placed the lily and its stem in the frame keeps me circling around the image. I also really enjoy the softness of it. I think more contrast would mess with that. In fact, it was the softness of the lily & the color contrast of the deep pure blue water and the soft green/yellows in the lily that drew me to open the image big on my screen. So having said all that, I think it’s the color contrast that is exquisite here, whereas detail (tonal) contrast would detract. The ‘messiness’ that you speak of is what tells the story of imperfection. And everyone loves a good story .

Thank you Connie for your comments. I felt it was more interesting with all the decaying detail. I’m glad you agree.

Congrats on a compelling photo. I love this kind of stuff, but haven’t really done a good job with anything like it, even spending as much time in a kayak as I do. The square crop is perfect and I like the arrangement of the subject. The underwater part is at a strange remove from the leaf and so adds a sense of mystery, at least to me. There is a good sense of movement in that element as well - quite intriguing. The degradation of the leaf is part of the story and works well in that sense. The crisp focus and edges, combined with the straight line orientation in the leaf helps keep things from being too ragged and, potentially, unappealing. At first I thought that evening out the water color would be a benefit, but it might obscure the submerged leaf too much so I would leave it, or isolate that part to keep the luminosity where it is. Super job. Brava.

Diny: Oh this is FINE! I love lily pads and get a chance to shoot them fairly often so I really appreciate what you’ve done here. Marvelous comp, terrific color palette and a very compelling result.>=))>