What artistic feedback would you like if any?
This was one of my first exercises in backlit photography. I love the way the weed stalk and leaves curve and dance.
This was one of my first exercises in backlit photography. I love the way the weed stalk and leaves curve and dance.
Needs to be seen large. Nice tonality in this one. Well composed.
Beautiful glow and great detail in the pods Mark. I agree with @David_Schoen, this is spectacular close up. Nicely seen.
Beautiful light and overall image. I find my attention pulled by the brighter OOF leaves and I am not quite sure if that is detrimental or not. I might burn those down and compare? No other thoughts, looks real nice.
Hi Mark, I agree with the others, beautiful monotone image; dancing is a good description, and I would also use delicate for the leaves. I do wonder what a B&W conversion would look like, though I’d miss the rich sepia-like color.
Mark, the seed heads are spread well through the frame and the near match of colors with the background looks great. I too think that a bit more brightness separation between the in focus heads and the oof heads in the lower half of the frame would be good.
@Mark_Seaver, @David_Schoen, @linda_mellor, @Jim_Lockhart, @Harley_Goldman… Thanks everyone for your comments and ideas. I agree that the background white leaves are distracting. I tried a radial filter to darken the entire background, and also an adjustment brush for just the brightest leaves, but the background leaves didn’t look natural anymore. I went ahead and posted an edit of a similar photo, this time cropped and also B&W, plus some darkening of the background. Fun to compare. Thanks again for all your ideas
Mark: Great subject and a fine capture. I do like your DOF choice. The conversion looks good too. Nicely done. >=))>