Dark Assiniboine

Hello everyone,

I am rediscovering my love of B&W from back in the day. I rather like this one and was wondering what discerning eyes might think. I was aiming for light on the top and bottom, with the middle dark but with barely seen outlines, versus just crushed black.

Thanks in advance!

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Does the image work? Did I succeed? Is it worth making a large print of this?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Shot with a GFX 50S, 16-stop ND filter, 4 minute exposure. Processed in Affinity Photo, with SIlver Efx Pro preset applied. Topaz AI Denoise.

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Robert this is pretty awesome. Yes, it feels like the middle of the image is pushing the darks to the edge, but for me it works really well for the web. I think it would make a phenomenal print, being careful not to lose the blacks. The motion of the clouds and the exceptional light on the glacier and peak make this really sing. IMO the lake adds only a transition zone for the blacks. I could see a bit of the lake cropped, maybe a 4x5 losing some off the bottom. However, I love it as is.

Welcome Robert. I love this image, especially the work and detail in the mountain. Also love the long exposure. This would make a great looking print. My only suggestion would be showing a little more detail along the shoreline? I am by no means an expert on B&W but lighting up some of the darks would keep my eye from wandering back to the shoreline. I would love to have an shot like this in my portfolio.


Welcome to NPN! What a grand first post! Does this work? Absolutely! That sky/cloud is phenomenal and I love how it encircles the peak. Great choice going b&w.

From here, it just gets to personal choices right? I do like the reflection and how it got smoothed out with the long exposure. I think as presented with the top and bottom - the middle area becomes somewhat important too overall and I would like to see more detail - but you’ve done a good job recognizing and processing so it didn’t go jet black. So kudos there.

Having said that, If you like it that dark, there is also an option of a square crop of the top and leaving the dark “u” at the bottom framing the awesome peak/sky up top.

I do think if this were to be a big print, that dark area becomes even more important, simply because of the amount of space. If hanging on a wall there might be a natural tendancy to seek out details in the print. I dunno, maybe it’s just me.

To me this is all about the upper half and it’s quite stunning.


Welcome to NPN, Robert. This is a fine first post. I like the way that you have layered the elements in the composition. I’m not always a fan of blurred clouds, but I think in this case it is very effective and it creates a lot of energy in the composition. It’s clear that your intention was for strong darks. I think that my preference would be for a bit more detail in the deep shadows in the middle of the image, but that’s just my subjective opinion. I do think you could lighten the shadows a little without losing the light / dark / light layering that you are going for.

Thank you, Gary! I did print it but like you warned the blacks suffered a bit. I need to do some more experimenting with printing. It appears to be a black art for me right now. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks Greg! I like your suggestion and will play with it.

Regards Rob

Thanks Lon! Excellent feedback. I will play wit hthe cropping and see about brightening up some of the darker parts.

Hi Brian, yes I agree. I did print it and the darks are too dark. I will open those up a bit and try again. Still trying to figure out how this printing stuff works. Thanks for the feedback!