Mattias, this is quite striking in B&W, where I think the lack of color adds emphasis to the shapes and textures. The mix of rocks and flowing water leading into the distance looks great and those twisty trees at the back create a sense of mystery and other worldliness that I like. In the larger view, the branches in the distance look distinctly crunchy (over sharpened), but that does fit with the high contrast in the rest of the image.
I’m looking at this from my iPhone so I’m likely missing the tonal richness that this possesses. I really like the rocks and the twisted trees and branches. The composition feels mostly good except for the top. It feels as though the trees are chopped off. With intimate landscapes that often works but with grand landscapes you normally like to see their full tops. Perhaps the sky was uninteresting? I would reshoot with some rich clouds if that’s the issue.
Mattias, I think this translates very nicely into B&W. Keep in mind I am currently viewing it on my laptop so I don’t have a very large viewing surface, but I like this a lot. It appears a bit on the dark side on this monitor but again, laptop monitor in a bright room. The nice thing about B&W in a busy scene like this is that it reduces all the competing colors so nicely. I like your composition, and am not bothered by the tree tops being cut off. Tones look rich. Nice job.
Mattias, this is a very interesting image. I have to admit that I wasn’t a fan on my first impression, but as I continued to consider it, I kept getting drawn back in and it really grabbed me. I love that it is almost two separate stories between the two halves of the image. The twistier, darker trees on the right in the calmer area, and the swifter, brighter side on the other side of the rocks with the faster running water. My only comment is also around the tones on the top and it being cut off. If you have cropped it, you might want to open it up, or maybe try and tone the sky down a little. I also might go a little stronger on the toning, with something a little warmer and more saturated, to see what it looks like.
The stream and moss/lichen covered rocks absolutely shine in this b&w presentation. It looks fantastic.
Having said that, I think the background of the upper left half with the trees and ground/vegetation… details are lost to the extent there’s no tonal separation. And yes, perhaps a bit crunch in that area, but tough to present that area as b&w. I think there’s a similar issue with the trees and details in the upper right half of the scene. Of course I think the treatment of the water and all those boulders in the water may just trump it all and so on balance, this is one heck of a b&w image.
Dear Igor. Yes the sky was uninteresting. Unfortunately I am not likely to return any time soon to this particular location. But I will consider the cropping.
This works quite well as a B&W. You did an excellent job on the conversion and I really like the flow of the composition. I see what others are saying about it feeling cut off, but it does not bother me a bit. I experimented with taking the top down further and going more pano, but I prefer it as presented. Very nicely done.