Unlike my last post, this is the common Junco species for our neck of the woods. This was taken the same day on a somewhat nicer perch that was high enough to get good separation from the background.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
Anything. I didn’t do much to this other than adjust some exposure values and enhance the plumage detail a bit.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
7DII, Sigma 150-600 C @ 600 mm, f/8, 1/400, iso 2500, fill flash at -2 2/3 EV, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 4312x3072 before resizing for the web. Taken at 9:22 am on January 3rd at my feeder setup.
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Another wonderful bird photo from your setup, Dennis. I do so enjoy them. The details are excellent, and the perch and pose against that nice complimentary background just makes it pop. Where I shoot through the window, I haven’t tried using the flash. I would have to use it remotely, with the flash outside where I would hope the birds land. I am actually trying to come up with a better setup for the birds that will maybe attract more, and that the scene will be more natural looking. You have sure inspired me to try to improve my bird photography.

Lovely, subtle bird - well shot, Dennis ! Love the clean BG and the bird’s pose ! We had one vagrant some years ago - a Dutch first ! Cheers, Hans
That must have had the birders out in droves, Hans.
yes , it did Dennis, even from the surrounding countries like Germany and Belgium 
Hi Dennis, an interesting species - we don’t get the Oregon Junco much down my way. Nice pose and details. Fine background too. Well captured. I may make the bird a little more off center.
I know this species is one of your favorites and you did it well. Outstanding color and detail and expression.
Excellent image of this species, Dennis. Great background, which complements the colors of this sub-species. I prefer this background to your previous image of this species. Excellent pose and head angle.