Dawn Greeter 2

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Another view of this Green Darner from last week. It was cooperative enough to land on some of our azaleas. I like this perch much better than the one on the first image but the lighting is altogether different as is the mood of the shot IMO. All comments welcome. >=))>

Specific Feedback

I did not use a polarizer although I did consider it. Is the reflectivity of the leaves too distracting? When shooting moving subjects I tend not to use a polarizer because I’m usually not wanting to sacrifice shutter speed. I’m rethinking after being fairly impressed with the AI noise reduction in LR which may allow higher ISO without compromising quality.

Technical Details

Sony 70-200 GM II w/2xTC @ 356mm
ISO 1600, 1/1250 @ f8
Hand Held


These are so cool. Big and fast and so very green. The surroundings add to the serenity of the photo IMO. Everyone needs a rest now and then. Good diagonal placement, too. You could take a brush and ease down the exposure on the left leaves if you felt like it. Glad you can get out in the garden and enjoy what’s there.

Hi Bill,
that looks great. I love the details in the wings.
Your new 70-200 and the tele converter seems to be a very good combination.

BTW, I tested the 2xTC this morning myself with my 100-400. :wink:

Bill, what a lovely shot of this DF. The bloom below him makes him stand out nicely too. I agree with @Kris_Smith about maybe toning the brighter leaves on the left. Still a great shot.

I like this subject, as I have not seen one before. The green on red really pops.

As mentioned above, I might have tried to take a little brightness off the green leaves, and the glare on the left side of the red flower. Maybe using the target tool in HSR luminance in LR. Hard to say if that will work without trying it.

Great image capture.

Wonderful view of this guy! I don’t think a polarizer would have helped here as the leaves don’t show reflective glare, just the brightness of direct light. A collapsible hand-held diffusion screen is perfect for small subjects, but holding it takes an assistant. (Sounds like you have one…)

Here’s a great feature of a diffusion screen – holding it relatively far away gives the effect of open shade, but holding it as close as possible gives an additional effect of some soft fill light! It can be almost magic if the light is right.